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Please read before renting a sunbed. 


A copy of this information will be given along with the sunbed. 


1. Orders can only be taken by over 18 years of age. Age must be confirmed. 

2. Once an order is made, payment will be taken on the day of delivery. 

3. Dependent on your rental period, your sunbed will be collected on or up to 3 days past your last day of rental. 

4. Safety

4.1 Under 18s will not be able to hire sunbeds

4.2 We do not dispute any evidence or studies surrounding the use of and links between sunbed usage and skin cancer, this information and decision is ultimately down to the customer.

4.3 By hiring a sunbed for home use, the customer has taken on 100% responsibility and considered all factors involved in sunbed use.

5. We advise the customer to consider skin tone prior to renting a sunbed. The type of tan that you can achieve is varied dependent on skin tone etc. 

6. All the sunbeds come with timers for safety. The lighter the skin, the more build up time we advise. This means starting off slow with less time and increasing as your skin gets a base tan. We advise everyone to do gradually build up sunbed time, especially if first use.


Any issues can be addressed via email or phone or in writing to management at 12 Netherwood Avenue, S124TF.  


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